When your tooth experiences trauma, it can sometimes result in a cracked tooth. This is distinct from chipping, which involves cleanly breaking off part of the tooth. If the tooth cracks reach down to the root of your tooth, then you might need to have it removed altogether; however, if only superficial damage occurs and does not reach past the enamel, then getting a filling may be all that’s required to solve this issue.

Cracked teeth can be a major source of pain and discomfort depending upon the severity of the crack, but they also present serious risks to your health. If left untreated, they may become infected or even fall out completely. To protect yourself from such dire circumstances, it is essential that you seek dental assistance right away so as to determine how best to proceed.


Types of cracked teeth

  • Craze lines are micro-fissures in the enamel, the hardest layer of your teeth. These cracks have no discomfort associated with them and don’t need any kind of therapy.
  • A fractured cusp, which typically manifests around a dental filling, is often painless. The fracture doesn’t affect the tooth’s pulp (the core of the tooth that contains nerves and related tissue), so there are usually no uncomfortable symptoms associated with it.
  • If your tooth has a vertical crack that is yet to extend into the gum line, it may still be able to be salvaged. However, if the split reaches or surpasses this point, then it could require extraction. Prompt treatment will give you the best likelihood of saving your pearly whites!
  • A crack that stretches from your tooth’s surface to the gum line may cause a split tooth. Though it is doubtful any of it can remain, you and your dentist could potentially still salvage some parts! By working together, you have a chance at saving at least part of the scenario.
  • A vertical root fracture is a type of crack that starts below the gum line and goes up. Sadly, this kind of break can be very sneaky; it might not show any signs unless you get an infection from it! In most cases, extraction is the only option for this issue.


Is a cracked tooth considered a dental emergency?

If you experience any of the following signs, it may be a dental emergency and require immediate attention.


Dental implants cost in SydneyA visible sign of a crack

While cracks in the back of your mouth (premolars and molars) may not be visible to the naked eye, it is still important to keep an eye on them.

Utilising a mirror or taking a picture can help you gauge their severity, though just because something looks minor doesn’t mean it isn’t serious; even seemingly insignificant fractures need attentive care. 


Pain while biting

If pressure is exerted on a cracked tooth, it can result in distress. Occasional soreness might not be an indicator of dental necessity; however, if the pain persists when biting down and only abates after taking off all force from the afflicted area, then professional attention should be sought straight away. 


Sensitivity to hot or cold

Cracks in teeth can lead to extreme sensitivity when consuming hot or cold items, as the root of a cracked tooth is often more exposed and contains most of its nerves. While mild discomfort may be manageable through dietary adjustments, severe pain should not wait for dental care – it’s likely indicative of an underlying issue that needs prompt attention.


Swollen gums

If a cracked tooth is not taken care of, it can result in painful gum swelling and heightened sensitivity – signs that an infection is present. Without proper treatment, the bacteria from this infection could spread to other teeth and put them at risk for harm too.


Aching tooth pain

If you experience a persistent and excruciatingly painful ache from your cracked tooth, do not delay in seeking treatment at the dentist. With their expertise, they can provide quick relief for an otherwise unbearable sensation and ensure that it does not become a more serious issue. Don’t suffer needlessly; take care of yourself with prompt dental attention!

If you’re struggling with any of these warning signs, it’s best to make an appointment with your dentist immediately. An expert will be able to ascertain if tooth removal is required or whether a dental filling can solve the issue.



How to prevent cracked teeth?

To help mitigate the chances of your teeth becoming cracked, there are a few steps you can take. Wear a mouthguard when participating in sports; don’t use your teeth to open packages, and be aware not to chew on hard objects such as ice cubes or candy; additionally, exercise caution when consuming chewy treats like caramel. If, unfortunately, you find yourself with a cracked tooth, it is essential that you promptly consult with a dentist for proper treatment. Neglecting this can result in excruciating pain plus serious infection that could potentially lead to loss of the tooth altogether.


What can a dentist do for a cracked tooth?

If you have a cracked tooth, chances are it will be accompanied by sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures as well as a sharp pain that flares up when eating. If these symptoms remain for an extended period of time, do not hesitate to reach out to your dentist right away.

When you visit the dentist, they will take a careful look at your oral health in order to assess any potential adverse conditions and determine if there are signs of gum disease or infections. They’ll also measure the length of any cracks in your teeth as well as diagnose whether or not it has become severely decayed.

Before selecting the ideal course of action for your specific situation, a thorough examination must take place. To help you make sense of the various treatment possibilities, let’s explore what your dentist will likely assess when evaluating a cracked tooth based on its severity.


Root canal therapy

If your oral hygiene is in check and the crack isn’t significant enough to affect your gums or cause decay, root canal treatment may be an option. Root canals should not be feared as they are performed in order to save teeth rather than harm them. Contrary to popular belief, a root canal procedure is designed with patient comfort in mind and doesn’t always have to involve any pain.

The dentist will address any infection surrounding the tooth by disinfecting and sealing it. The root canal is then widened to enable a provisional filling, with a crown crafted specifically for that tooth placed over it to safeguard against further harm. 


SDENTALIMPLANTSPERTH.com.auTooth extraction

If the crack in your tooth is large and it’s cracked into two pieces, or if the tooth has advanced decay or gum disease, your dentist will likely recommend extraction. This procedure starts with anaesthesia to numb that area of your mouth and then break down the tooth until it can be safely removed using forceps. Aftercare requires resting for several days after treatment as a blood clot forms where the extracted tooth was located. Explore restoration options


Dental crown

A dental crown is a proactive measure to prevent the deterioration of severely cracked teeth. Craze lines, tiny cracks which are not observable to the naked eye, can be safeguarded against by using this method as well as aesthetically improving its appearance. A dental crown will provide an extra layer of protection for your fragile tooth and present it in its best light.

Are you in search of a dentist to attend to your cracked tooth? Look no further than Port Macquarie Dental Centre! Our friendly team of dentists is proud and delighted to provide our patients with an array of top-notch services. Reach out today and book an appointment, and enjoy the quality care we offer our patients. Don’t wait any longer; contact us now on (02) 6105 9853 and get the help that you need!



Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.





Cracked tooth

How do you know if you have a cracked tooth?


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