Broken Dentures Port Macquarie

broken dentures port macquarie

We Offer Quick Repair Because Life is About Smiling

A broken denture is a severe issue that stops many from healthy eating and speaking habits.

Broken dentures not only make everyday tasks such as chewing, eating, swallowing, and talking difficult but can also be very embarrassing.

After all, dentures always break into pieces at the worst possible times. It could be an important presentation at work, a first date, or a social occasion with a big photo-opportunity.

Common Causes of Broken Dentures

Here are some of the things that can lead to broken dentures:

Z Natural Wear and Tear

Although made from durable materials, all dental reconstructions have a breaking point, and dentures are no different.

Notwithstanding their durability, years of chewing, biting, grinding, and other teeth functions can cause dentures to wear out.

Z Accidents

Accidents can occur anytime, anywhere. Even the most cautious person may encounter an accident. Injury from dentures accidentally falling while cleaning is a common example.

Z Abuse

Dentures have their restrictions. To maximise their function, you have to understand their limits. For example, using your dentures for other than their normal used or abusing them can cause them to break.

Z Loose-fitting Dentures

Loose-fitting dentures can be caused by progressive bone loss or poor dental work. If you feel uneasiness while wearing your dentures, visit your dentist immediately.

broken dentures what to do port macquarie

Broken Dentures: What to do?

Emergencies are not predictable. However, care and awareness can help reduce their effects. When cleaning your dentures, check for cracks and breakage.

If there are cracks on your dentures, do not attempt to fix them by yourself, you have to consult your dentist to avoid worsening the damage.

Call your Port Macquarie dentist immediately to have your dentures checked as soon as possible.

What Your Port Macquarie Dentist Can Do?

Although dentures are a serviceable missing-tooth replacement option, the permanence and natural look of dental implants make them a great choice.

Port Macquarie Dental Centre offers high-quality and durable dental implants as replacements for missing teeth.

With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last for years, and sometimes even for life! This means costs can be lower in the long term since dentures, in comparison, will need replacements frequently.

Why Choose Dental Implants Over Dentures?

Dental implants cost more upfront than dentures, and therefore many people choose dentures without further investigating dental implants as an option.

When you consider the additional costs of dentures, including cleaning solutions, adhesives, repairs, and denture replacement, implants are a better financial solution and well worth the extra upfront cost.

With so many things at stake, like your overall health and self-esteem, we suggest you consult your Port Macquarie dentist before reaching a decision.

At the end of the day, your dentist is your best resource to help you decide what option works best for you and your mouth. Remember that you may decide to start with dentures and eventually progress to dental implants, but dental implants are a more permanent option.

Broken Dentures Repair in Port Macquarie

A broken denture is a serious problem and should be dealt with by your dentist as soon as possible. Putting off seeing your dentist may result in a more severe condition that may require extensive procedures.

Visit us now and let your Port Macquarie dentist handle your dental problems.

Same Day Dental Emergency Appointment Available in Port Macquarie

Call us on (02) 6105 9853  or book your appointment online.

We are located at 38 Buller St in Port Macquarie.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still wear my broken dentures?

Never wear broken dentures. They can cause irritation or damage to your oral tissues, and small parts can be swallowed.

How soon should I visit a dentist if my dentures break?
Immediately. Do not wear broken dentures as this can lead to cuts and punctures in your soft tissue.
What can I do to prepare for dental emergencies?
  • Pack an emergency dental-care kit, including your Port Macquarie dentist’s phone numbers (home and office)
  • Handkerchief
  • Gauze
  • Small container with lid
  • Ibuprofen (Not aspirin. Aspirin may cause excessive bleeding in a dental emergency)
Can I adjust or repair my dentures?
You can severely damage your dentures and harm your health by attempting to adjust or repair your dentures. Dentures that are not made to fit snugly can cause pain and swelling.

See your dentist or prosthodontist if your dentures break, crack, chip, or if one of the teeth becomes loose. Your Port Macquarie dentist can often make the needed adjustments or repairs on the same day of the emergency.

Repairing dentures without proper training and knowledge can cause greater damage and may cause problems in your mouth. Denture adhesives sold over-the-counter often contain harmful chemicals and should not be used on dentures.

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